Software projects

BitCollectors PLink Service

The BitCollectors PLink Service is a Windows Service front-end for Plink.exe (by Simon Tatham, the creator of PuTTY). Using this tool, you can easily connect to an SSH server to establish a secure and persistent SSH Tunnel.

Last release: November 01, 2013 | Current version:
QFG Character Editor

Use QFG Character Editor to create or modify character export files from Quest for Glory 1 and 2.

Last release: June 14, 2013 | Current version:
UI Automation Library (.NET)

The BitCollectors UI Automation Library allows you to easily integrate the simulation of keystroke and mouse clicks into your .NET application.

Last release: February 06, 2013 | Current version:

Smashteroids is a classic arcade-style space shooter available for Windows, Windows Store, and Windows Phone 8.1

Last release: (none) | Current version: (none)
Advanced Project Config

Advanced Project Config is a tool that allows you to easily synchronize settings across multiple C# and VB Projects, Configurations, and Platforms in a Visual Studio Solution (SLN) file.

Last release: (none) | Current version: (none)